[lbo-talk] Chavez, slow down

James Heartfield Heartfield at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Feb 29 23:52:18 PST 2008

I would be interested to see a good criticial analysis of the Bolivarian revolution, but I am not sure that this is it. It sounds like a high-Tory complaint against mass society to me, with its back image of a lost organic harmony.

Paul posted:

"The Bolivarian model of development that is being implemented in Venezuela makes the goal of"another world is possible", that the people of the world are fighting for, unattainable. This model not only maintains the old paradigm of past governments, but also deepens the neo-liberal capitalist development model based on the over-exploitation of the natural resources, where the environment is totally subordinated and the protagonist participation of the communities and social movements is unappreciated. The social and environmental impacts of the Bolivarian model is putting in danger the future of the country and its sovereignty, its food security, and the quality of lifeof all Venezuelans. "

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