[lbo-talk] Kuchinich explains backing Obama over Edwards

Max B. Sawicky sawicky at verizon.net
Tue Jan 8 12:32:33 PST 2008

"Obama is committed to ensuring Social Security is solvent and viable for the American people, now and in the future. Obama will be honest with the American people about the long-term solvency of Social Security and the ways we can address the shortfall. Obama will protect Social Security benefits for current and future beneficiaries alike. And he does not believe it is necessary or fair to hardworking seniors to raise the retirement age. Obama is strongly opposed to privatizing Social Security."

>From his web site, which you evidently neglected to visit before issuing your assortment of pronunciamentos.

>Unlike Edwards Obama will not state that privatizing SS is NOT part of
>his agenda which means he will likely support such a plan if he deems it
>politically expedient. I don't know why Max states that Obama is against
>privatizing SS. Max, if you have something from Obama specifically
>claiming he opposes privatizing SS I'd like to see it.
>While I agree with Max that a health care system funded from general
>revenue is best if not that then it must be mandated to work. Obamas
>plan sucks worse than Edwards for that reason just as I said earlier.
>Obama has been unable to get any national union support, unlike Edwards,
>and has again adopted Republican talking point on labor issue so while
>it may be going to far to state he is anti-union there is no evidence he
>is pro-union that I know of except his vote for the Employee Free Choice
>Act. Something many Republicans supported so it doesn't exactly
>demonstrate much of anything that I can see.
>If someone wants to claim all three Dems suck I'm with them on that but
>if they want to claim that Obama is no different than Edwards then I
>believe they are mistaken and I invite them to demonstrate how they came
>to that conclusion.
>Truthfully the complaints Kuchinich claims he has with Edwards hold
>equally or more true for Obama so at the very least he is being
>disingenuous with his claims.
>John Thornton

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