On Jan 9, 2008, at 5:00 PM, C. G. Estabrook wrote:
> Counterpunch has always shown a catholic (so to speak) willingness to
> publish a wide range of opinion, including those with which the
> editors
> don't agree (and they don't always agree with one another). I don't
> always agree with them (e.g., on aspects of the Green party) when they
> do agree, but their unwillingness to be bound by the liberal limits of
> allowable debate seems to me a strength.
Yeah, it's always refreshing to see someone bring up, as Alex C has, Jewish ownership of the media. They should get Jon Entine to do one of his black people are good at sports for genetic reasons articles too. And queers - expose their secret recruitment strategies! That would pack a big refreshing wallop!
Do you really think a neo-Confederate is someone to get excited about?
> Both political parties are substantially to the right of the US
> populace,
What evidence do you have for that?
> and the Democrat establishment has worked strenuously and
> hypocritically since the 2006 election to neutralize the majority
> anti-war sentiment. Do you have a blind-spot when it comes to the
> Democratic party's faves? --CGE
> P.s. -- "Leave the Zionist issue aside"...?
In the sense that the stuff attributed to Paul on that issue wasn't too incendiary. Nothing about hook-nosed usurers drinking the blood of goyische infants or anything.