On Jan 15, 2008, at 7:24 PM, Marvin Gandall wrote:
> b) Will I notice any difference in download time for the internet
> or in
> switching between programs?
You shouldn't.
> Doesn't the first depend on the ISP rather than
> the machine or its operating system, and the second on the amount
> of RAM?
Yup to both.
> d) I believe the Mac has something called Boot Camp which allows
> you to also
> work in Windows - but at additional cost and also more slowly, I've
> heard.
BootCamp comes with the latest version of OS X, and Windows runs as native code on the Intel, so there should be no sacrifice of speed.
> Also, I've burnt most of our CD collection onto WMA files which
> won't play
> on a Mac - isn't that so?
You can play WMAs with the Mac version of Windows Media Player and with a plug-in for QuickTime. And there's a little shareware program called EasyWMA that converts WMA to MP3 very quickly. THere are a couple of other excellent sound conversion programs - Max and SoundConverter - that can convert practically any format to practically any other format.