On Jan 21, 2008, at 10:11 AM, Michael Pollak wrote:
> On Thu Jan 17, Shane Mage wrote:
>> Meaningless "questions" like "Why is there something instead of
>> nothing?" cannot yield a meaningful answer to scientific, or any
>> other,
>> technique.
> There are many scientists who would disagree with you about that.
> They're called "nothing theorists" and they think about exactly this
> question
This certainly exemplifies Gurdjieff's phrases "sorry scientists" and
"pouring from the empty into the void."
> One of the clearest answers comes from a guy named Alex Vilenkin,
> who has a scientific definition of nothing: a closed four-
> dimensional space-time
> continuum of radius zero. He then goes to show mathematically that
> quantum tunnelling effects would produce something out of nothing...
Is this "something" dark matter, dark energy, or dark s..t?
> ...So I don't think the idea that this question is scientifically
> meaningless
> can be defended. Scientists seem to be treating it with the same
> seriousness they treat, say, inflation theory.
"Inflation theory"="Nothing theory." Exactly.
Shane Mage
"This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire, kindling in measures and going out in measures."
Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 30