[lbo-talk] let's all pray for a depression

Bill Bartlett billbartlett at aapt.net.au
Tue Jan 22 19:06:04 PST 2008

At 5:55 PM -0600 22/1/08, John Thornton wrote:

>Only from a position of privilege can one hope for a crisis. See how
>many working class converts you get telling them they need to suffer
>more than they already do before their lives can improve.

What about all those with nothing to lose? Surely they have nothing to lose?

>Or try this,
>during the depths of a depression tell a large group of out-of-work
>people how much you hoped for this day so you can raise their
>consciousness and hopefully end their suffering.

Of course if they didn't have a pot to piss in before the depression even started it won't make any difference. Although it would be more diplomatic to tell them you hope a recession will raise the consciousness of other people besides them.

Bill Bartlett Bracknell Tas

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