[lbo-talk] Urban wealth/ethnic stratification

Chris Doss lookoverhere1 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 27 07:19:44 PST 2008

17 years ago, there was almost no segregation according to income levels in Moscow and other Russian cities (since people earned about the same). There was also almost no ethnic segregation in Moscow (since ethnic Russians were the overwhelming majority of the population). However it has been rapidly and obviously developing, with the center and western parts of the city being areas for the upper and middle classes and the east and southeast being working-class areas with a lots of immigrants (both from other areas of Russia and from other countries). It's very noticeable. I used to live in southeast Moscow, now live downtown, and believe me the difference is stark.

I'm wondering if anybody has information -- anecdotal or academic -- about similar rapid transitions in other cities? I would imagine most would be in other ex-communist countries or communist-but-not-really countries (like China).

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