>>> <lbo-talk-request at lbo-talk.org> 01/29/08 9:08 PM >>>
> From: shag <shag at cleandraws.com>
It's from Judith Butler, IIRC, in the volume _Feminism and
The author, Drucilla Cornell also speaks to this analysis, as does
Brown's complementary analysis of MacKinnon's rhetoric which, they
basically "fucks the reader" of antipornography agitprop.
Another decent overview of how this connects to social theory more generally -- and why this particular kind of rhetoric in identity politics is troubling -- is in Janet Halley's _Split Decisions: How and Why to Take a Break From Feminism_. You can also read about it at dead bitch|lab / Queer Dewd, http://blog.pulpculture.org. Do a search on copula or janet halley seminar. I'd do it for you but, uh, I'm at work and my own blog is kinda NOT Safe for Work (NSFW) -- which is another reason why it's dead. heh.
Great, I'm definitely going to follow up on this one. Thanks. Tahir -------------- next part -------------- All Email originating from UWC is covered by disclaimer http://www.uwc.ac.za/portal/public/portal_services/disclaimer.htm