[lbo-talk] Maya Angelou writes poem praising Hillary -- here it is:

shag shag at cleandraws.com
Wed Jan 30 15:38:42 PST 2008

At 01:17 PM 1/30/2008, B. wrote:
>[Dunno if this was posted here. It's from 1-20-08. The
>Guardian does note, though: "In recent years she
>[Angelou] has controversially even written lines to be
>printed inside greetings cards. 'Life is a glorious
>banquet, a limitless and delicious buffet,' reads one
>of her Hallmark epigrams." -B.]

these are HYOOOOOGE here because of the demographics. I found 'em at the Hallmark store, cheaper than cards at Malwart.

I don't see why her need to make a living is some kind of indictment. We live in a dirty world, man.

Speaking of which, my latest library spree netted me an interesting book from the Black History Month display. I wanted to snatch up a bunch but I already had 15, which sometimes elicits dirty looks from the librarians here (unusual response) and I didn't want to hog what would likely be the more popular books. I saw one, though, that has been interesting, albeit... how to describe?... a weird experience. Anyway, it's Lawrence Otis Graham's _Our Kind of People: Inside America's Black Upper Class_.

I was clued to something I didn't know. If you remember, I mentioned the Jack and Jill politics blog? Politics from a black bourgeois perspective was the tagline. Well, I don't know about the rest of you white folks here, but Jack and Jill? Huh? I didn't understand what it symbolized -- save maybe their names were Jack and Jill. heh.

Turns out that Jack and Jill is a invite only social club for children of the black elite in the U.S. The idea, according to the author, was to instill a sense of blackness and pride in black heritage among children who are living mostly in white, well-to-do neighborhoods. He goes into the paperbag and ruler tests, and the way this social group, like others, are places for mentoring young people in the social graces, in deciding on and pursuing a career, and probably the most important, meeting other blacks of the same social class who are worthy of introducing your children to -- as marriage prospects.

Yadda. Will write more. I've been scattered about my reading lately as we're (or we *were*) looking for another place to live. Fortunately, our landlord is happy for us to stay another six months while we scope out the real estate market and take our time.

http://cleandraws.com Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)

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