Over the recent past, I have come to the conclusion that Tahrir Wood (henceforward to be referred to as "Rover Woof," this being an instance of the sophisticated rhetorical technique of deliberately misspelling somebody's name in an insulting and/or dismissive manner) is an emotionally stunted, possibly psychologically unbalanced, dickhead, who, for some reason -- probably connected with the aforementioned psychological imbalance -- enjoys making an ass of himself in semipublic Internet fora. However, I cannot rely on my mere subjective impressions! I therefore call upon you to participate in my poll. How many votes can we get for "Rover Woof is an emotionally stunted, possibly psychologically unbalanced, dickhead"? My provisional expectation is "a lot." Come one, come all! Let not your vote be wasted! Speak truth to power! Vote vote vote!