> Bernard-Henri Levy:
> <http://www.tnr.com/toc/story.html?id=dfe7a745-e6d0-4fed-9509-
> f73b4277f7b1>
> He is good. What I mean is that he is not only the most charismatic but
> also the most gifted politician produced by the Democratic machine in
> a long time.
This is true. Check out Obama's speeches on Youtube or the official campaign site: look at the way he surveys listeners, reads the pitch of every single reaction. He's a gifted politician, and knows just how to tune into each audience. The Dems haven't had someone this politically astute since LBJ. Obama is well on the way to becoming the first iPod President.
As for the Dems -- oh, they're as bought-off as ever. But I'd argue we US-based Lefties shouldn't waste our time wringing our hands over the inevitable neolib restoration, ushered in by the blatantly obvious collapse of the oiligarchy. Why? Because the US Empire is done. Finished. Over. Pwned, as the gamer kids say. Which means it's far more important to work on local issues and state-battles, where many good things are happening.
-- DRR