[lbo-talk] URPE Summer Conference -- Aug 15-18 -- REGISTERNOW!ORGANIZE A PANEL!

Miles Jackson cqmv at pdx.edu
Mon Jul 14 08:21:24 PDT 2008

Julio Huato wrote:
> Miles wrote:
>> Then it's not a scientific theory. Logical consistency is a necessary
>> but not sufficient condition for generating a good scientific theory.
>> I'm no Popperian, but the possibility of empirical disconfirmation is a
>> crucial characteristic of any meaningful scientific theory. If you're
>> not interested or willing to test your logically consistent theory by
>> evaluating evidence, you're doing quasi-theology or philosophy (which is
>> not necessary bad, but let's call it what it is).
> But Doug is referring to refuting a specific *economic* theory
> (efficient markets).
> As I said, among the economists, a "theory" is a specific deductive
> reasoning: an "if x, then y" type of statement. Good luck if you
> think you can persuade the economists that their semantics is wrong.
Well, they can call it a duck for all I care, as long as they don't call it science!


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