``...seeing two 53 tooth gears in a machine from such a date...'' JT
I found this at work, so I have to wait to get home. But here is my interest.
Since it's complex rotary machine, it means that you have to be able to partition the circumference of circle into (n) number of equal parts (teeth, cogs, etc).
If (n) is even, fine. But if (n) is not even, it has to prime. Constructing a prime equi-partitioning of a circle, is still on the books as a famous math problem. According to most of the histories I've read, antiquity only had the platonic regular polygons. Gauss made himself famous instantly by a demonstration proof of the 17 sided partitioning of circle.
I am trying to think about ways to construct or draw 53 point star that cut the circumference in 53 equal parts. There has to be a trick of the trade here, someway to scribe off only peaks or only valleys, that drops the number or increases the number to 52 or 54...
Computing...still computing....
Any suggestions?