>>> "james daly" <james.irldaly at ntlworld.com> 06/07/2008 6:58 AM >>>
Thanks to Ted again for his recovery of Marx's authentic philosophical
thought. It seems to me to present an introduction to any revitalisation of Marxism. -- J. D.
^^^^^^^^ Would we expect capitalism to make more of these full-developed individuals among the working class than among the bourgeosie ?
Engels preserved Marx's authentic philosophical thought especially in _Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy_ ( Marx's crib notes to himself of his philosophy in the form of "Theses on Feuerbach" printed by Engels in that book), _Socialism: Utopian and Scientific_, _Anti-Duhring_ and the draft or unfinished book _Dialectics of Nature_. Marx gives us some of it in the prefaces and afterwords of _Capital_.
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