sometimes, at work, i'm caught between the hardcore M$ lovers and the hardcore open source lovers, for whom open source also means things like Craigslist, where the Internet is free! whee! (as to the latter, as always, it kills me that smart people who want to get paid to create software, and resent it when they're not paid, will nonetheless get a boner over "free! whee!" and never think about where their paycheck for creating software would come from if we gave it away for free! whee! like Craigslist.)
what always amazes me when i'm in meetings with "the business," some in the tech management group (the less knowledgeable about tech, natch), will blame problems on software being open source. "you get what you pay for." feh.
in general, among the developers, I sometimes cannot believe you have diehard M$ fans who won't use, say, Firefox because, previously, they'd worked for some M$ shop and have never gotten over it. Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)