Are you serious? Certifies him as not right-wing. Colin Powell had a great deal of support among Blacks but he was to the right of most Dems. Support by any segment of the population doesn't certify anyone as anything. He is defined by the policies he supports which means he's no right-winger but he's no progressive either.
> ^^^^^
> 4. Rather, we should care because whites are voting for a black man.
> ^^^
> CB: See it as a historic anti-racist act by millions of White people.
> Care ? Be proud of them. Like "Way to go Blanche People ! ". Maybe
> more like be glad like being glad that so many White people were
> courageous and sacrificed in the Civil War that ended slavery. Be proud
> of them.
> 5. Whites voting for a black man is a sign of that they've been
> "energized".
> ^^^
> CB: Not the word I'd use. More like radicalized. Pulling up America's
> problems at the root. It is likely to lead to a lot of other progressive
> steps, if it happens. ( O hasn't won yet)
Voting for a centrist Dem is "pulling up America's problems at the root."? This is an example of Obamamania. Voting for a centrist Dem is most definitely not equal to "pulling up America's problems at the root." If the roots were that easily pulled millions of people wouldn't have struggled and made the sacrifices they did to get the changes we have today when compared to social conditions 50 years ago.
> ^^^
> 6. Obama is taking care not to appear too progressive, but that's just
> because he's a savvy politician, biding his time.
> ^^^^^
> CB: He probably can't win running as a progressive, given the American
> electorate has been doing 25 years of Reaganism. It seems unlikely
> they'd _change_ that suddenly.
> That 's why it's important that he emphasizes "Change comes not from
> the top down. It comes from the bottom up." He'll be as progressive as
> the People make him be. If millions are lobbying for universal health
> care, he'll have no choice but to give it to them.
You believe he's unique in this? That's he is somehow more influenced by 'the people" than Clinton would be or past presidents were. What is the reason for this belief. Because 'the people" generally oppose Nafta while Obama no longer does and 'the people' support taxpayer financed campaign while Obama also no longer does. If he's following the will of 'the people' he's doing a very poor job of it.
John Thornton