> According to that Pew Survey Doug posted, Mormons are
> actually a little nuttier:
> "Only among Mormons (57%) and Jehovah?s Witnesses
> (80%) do majorities say that their own religion is the
> one true faith leading to eternal life.
It gets better. 54% of Mormons surveyed responded that "there is only one true way to interpret the teachings of my religion."
This must mean that the Utah Mormons and the Missouri Mormons (Community of Christ, fka Reorganized LDS) must *really* hate each other. Or that there is less debate about getting to be god of your own planet than I thought.
(For comparison, 77% of Catholics, 82% of mainline Protestants, and 90% of Jews responded that "there is more than one true way to interpret the teachings of my religion.")
--tim francis-wright