... to the question:
> > I actually went and read BHO's 48-page document -- where does
> > he say that [he won't try to balance the budget]?
So the difference between them, on this "important" topic, is that Hillary has explicitly invoked the stupid shibboleth of a balanced budget, while Barack has not been explicit one way or the other.
Here's what he does say:
"A Commitment to Fiscal Responsibility -------------------- Barack Obama’s plan will provide $80-85 billion in tax relief to America’s workers, seniors, and homeowners. Unlike President Bush, whose fiscally irresponsible tax cuts that traded the budget surpluses of the 1990s to record deficits today, Obama has a plan to pay for his tax reform plan."
Among other things, the guy needs a copy editor, bad. But as regards substance, I must deploy my favorite quote:
Why hath not Man a Microscopick Eye? For this plain Reason -- Man is not a Flye!