I should have patented the latter. i already trademarked (by virtue of prior usage) and copyrighted (automatic upon publishing) the latter on Super Tuesday.
kaching. where's my royalty payout, damn it!
and dead guy on a broken pogo stick, are we fucking kiddin' me? I can't believe she's freakin' ahead in TX and OH. I was hoping he'd win and this would be freakin' over. But noooooooooooooooo. Yes We Can Ha! LOL CAT. Teh Crazeeees are going to start boiling over and spilling all over the godamned stainless steel restaurant grade stove and freakin' granite countertops of yuppiedom.
and, btw, i spent the weekend in DC wandering Georgetown. OK. You can gloat. I was hugely disgusted to see that Georgetown is one big mall now. And also thought it hilarious that the Georgetown/American University white yup crowd _still_ thinks that dressing like Michael Kinsley is the way to be a hip politico. feh.
http://cleandraws.com Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)