> You're missing my point. The fact that we cannot theorize a moneyless
> society is a testament to how effectively we have been socialized into a
> capitalist society. Of course we can't articulate a vision of a
> moneyless society; that's like asking a fish to imagine a life without
> water!
The science fiction shelves of any bookstore are filled with visions of moneyless societies. Or on TV: Gene Rodenberry's original vision of the future was a moneyless society. His recipe was a combination of humanity's awakening to their place in the universe due to encountering aliens (which seems to me a metaphor for shedding our silly superstitious belief that we are some special creation of some invisible super-being) and technological singularity: limitless, free, clean energy and the ability to change that energy into virtually any type of matter (and therefore no scarcity of anything: food, shelter, or even luxury goods).
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Free your mind and your ass will follow.
-George Clinton