No doubt after a particularly good group discussion of the Mysterium Cosmographicum.
"This is what the younger people, the young adults, in the LYM are studying. They are working progressively, they worked through, to a large degree, worked through the study of the ancient Greek roots of modern science, among the Pythagoreans and Plato. They've gone directly into reliving, page by page, chapter by chapter, the process of the discovery of modern astrophysics by Kepler! They're reliving it. They're not saying, "I learned this." They are reliving the moments of tension, in the work of Kepler, where they get to a chapter, a page, and an unresolved question is posed! Now! What's the answer? Well—they've got to apply their minds to thinking what the answer is, and find the answer. They go to the next chapter. 'Huh—we still don't understand it, but it's a big problem.'"
-- Lyndon LaRouche, January 11, 2007 Webcast