>Somehow I managed to remain stuck in the same
>apartment throughout that time as well, and I blame
>LBO. Fortunately, I escaped two years ago into an
>already well-established home peopled by a fetching
>OB/GYN and her irresistable 2-year-old boy, now
>turned 4 -- and, LBO notwithstanding, we've managed
>to collaborate successfully on a soon-to-be named
>baby girl, due to arrive at the end of the month.
awww. congrats on the new baby and the new family. and congrats to doug and lnp3.exe on their anniversaries.
I've been around in all that time, too. hard to believe, but there it is! love to you all -- and then some.
http://cleandraws.com Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)