May 10, 2008
The Hillary-ization of Michelle Obama
By Kathy G.
The Hitchens piece, contemptible piece o' shite though it is, a
surefire sign that, now that it's clear Hillary's presidential campaign
is all but over, the right is proceeding apace with its attempt to
Hillary-ize Michelle Obama. We have, of course, all heard about how
"unpatriotic" she is. Maureen Dowd has already cattily attacked her for
not being sufficiently deferential to her husband. And now we're being
treated to Hitchens' exegesis of how her college term papers prove
she's really Stokely Carmichael in drag. Delightful! But hey . . .
radical, unfeminine, unpatriotic -- remind you of any other right-wing
caricatures of a certain prominent Democratic woman with a famous
It's not surprising that they're doing this to Michelle, because it's
one of the most basic moves in the wingnut playbook. All Democrats are
radicals who hate America, of course; in addition, all female Democrats
are ballbusting beeyotches (just as all male Democrats are girly-men).
The gender crap, sadly, is probably still going to be an issue for any
Democratic first lady. The only first ladies who seem to be
noncontroversial and enjoy wide popularity are the ones who, like
Pickles, resemble Stepford wives. But overwhelmingly, it seems to be
Republicans, not Democrats, who marry that sort of woman.
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