>I would posit that wealth is inherently both exploitative and harmful.
> Presumably her $2.5 billion is neither sewn into her mattress nor
>buried in her garden, but rather invested into capitalist enterprises
>through which she profits from the surplus labor of others.
years ago, there was a fascinating feature article about Oprah. One of the things Oprah famously did, back in I guess it was the late 80s? early 90s?, was to, instead of simply giving bonuses to her employees, she'd take them on grand shopping sprees. She'd give them X amount of money and Y amount of time. When she took them shopping for a fur, she gave them something like 30 minutes and they couldn't buy, IIRC, fox.
NOt that this is exemplary of anything in particular, but she is a chairman of Harpo isn't she?
There's a rumor that my company might be bought out by a black-owned conglomerate. Lo! I got on the elevator yesterday and the honchos were being escorted to the top floor sanctum. I'd be hard-pressed to believe that I'm not exploited no matter who owns the company.
http://cleandraws.com Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)