It was hard for me to continue reading the piece you posted after I came across this phrase: "So as I sat today in full-lotus listening to Amy Goodman..."
And then the guy -- "druhempel"? -- claims he got into grad school based on his writing about this nonsense. "In 1996 I sent my 'manifesto' to [Slavoj] Zizek, the same work that enabled me to get into grad school...." And now some leftist intellectuals are repressing "the reptilian hind brain." What. the. FUCK?
Have I mentioned I am accumulating a growing body of evidence, both anecdotal and empirical, that the post-grad population is one of the most singularly mentally fucked-up populations I'm aware of...? Earlier I was assailed for not being properly down with the common man because I thought NASCAR Romance novels were a funny idea. Hopefully my feeling this way about post-grads gets me safely back in line with common-folk populism.
Stop repressing my reptilian hind brain,
Doug Henwood quoted "dru hempel":
"Again this is a FREUDIAN SLIP on Zizeks part in fact it represents not just his, but all of patriarchal sciences repression of the Reptilian Brain the cerebellum and its pineal gland connection. And here I include the patriarchal repressive attack on ecofeminists Vandana Shiva and Helena Norberg-Hodge by the Leftist white male guru Doug Henwood."