[lbo-talk] Weimar on the Pacific

Bill Bartlett billbartlett at aapt.net.au
Wed May 28 07:49:15 PDT 2008

You forgot to mention the Panama Canal. If a way can be found to move ships across a mountain range, then I can't see moving trains across a mountain range being any big deal.

Bill Bartlett Bracknell Tas

At 6:55 AM -0700 28/5/08, Wojtek Sokolowski wrote:

>Perhaps there are some serious technical difficulties
>in building a railroad between Barkersfield and
>Salinas, but technical difficulties never stopped
>Amerikan ruling class from achieving its goals - if
>they wanted them. There are technical diffciulties in
>building high rise structures in earthquake zones,
>such as California, but these technical diffciulties
>were resolved because there was a politcal will to do
>so. There are technical diffciuties in creating
>sprawling suburbia with lush lawns and swimming pools
>in Arizona desert, but these technical diffculties
>were resolved becsause there was a politcial will - or
>perhaps a short term profit motive. And for that
>matter, there were serious technical diffciulties in
>launching a military invasion and subsequent
>occupation of Iraq (or Vietnam,) but these technical
>diffculties were simply ignored because there was a
>policial will to go ahead. In Amerika, technical
>difficulties and transaction costs are perfect
>opportunities for short term profitablity at public

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