"Currently, Clinton's very strong advocacy for Obama has helped submerge the divisions that were highly visible during the primaries. As American University political science scholar James A. Thurber says, Clinton "has done more for Obama than Dean did in 2004 for Kerry, more than Bradley did for Gore in 2000, more than Kennedy did for Carter in 1980." She certainly has done more than Hart did for any of his competitors. But after the election is over and we began to construct a new liberal agenda, we need to have a comprehensive and honest discussion concerning discrimination, oppression, and the value of dissenting voices. I cannot endorse or participate in anything less."
The rest of the blog post from Dissenting Justice (law prof Darren Hutchinson) is entitled, "Raining on My Party's Parade? An Election-Day Analysis of Hillary Clinton and Liberal Sexism by a Progressive Law Professor" at http://dissentingjustice.blogspot.com/2008/11/raining-on-my-partys-parade-election.html
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