"I would be sorry to think of one of the essayists I have most enjoyed reading in recent decades turning into a no-two-ways-about-it-let’s-face-it bore. I just hope he doesn’t go on one hunt too many and find himself, as twilight gathers and the fields fall silent, lying face down in his own bullshit."
(The very last sentence in this review)
Aluta Continua!
----- Original Message ---- From: Ambrose Andrews <ambrose-bulk at vrvl.net> To: Ismail Lagardien <ilagardien at yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, 7 October, 2008 23:49:51 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Temporary nationalizations
2008/10/7 Joaquin Bustelo <jbustelo at gmail.com>:
> But why is it any concern of ours whether the bourgeoisie hold their
> property as a sole proprietorship, a joint stock company, a partnership, or
> a nationalized firm?
As illustrated in the case of the Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA) from the period between its nationalisation back in the 1970s through to what Chavez called its "re-nationalization" (it was already state property) following the 2002-3 bourgeois strike, The object of Nationalisation is just a flavour of bourgeois property.
The only major benefit is that it is easier to expropriate later on.
-- Ambrose Andrews LPO box 8274 ANU Acton ACT 0200 Australia http://www.vrvl.net/~ambrose/ mailto:ambrose at vrvl.net home:+61_262305976 work:+61_261256749 mobile:+61_415544621 irc:{undernet|freenode|oftc}:znalo xmpp:ambrose at jabber.fsfe.org sip:znalo at ekiga.net CE38 8B79 C0A7 DF4A 4F54 E352 2647 19A1 DB3B F823 556A 6D19 0904 827C 9DB8 3697 32D0 1E11 403F 2BE1
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