> Not at all. You been watching Fox News or something?
> The table below includes all federal taxes - income, SS, excise, etc. Note
> diff between Reagan and GWB: RR cut taxes for rich, raised them on poor; W
> cut 'em for everyone.
Very interesting, and I am happy to be wrong about this point. One small point about this chart, though: it seems to show the share of total income tax paid by different income groups. That doesn't *necessarily* tell us about the impact of taxes in comes, since it is quite possible for the share of total tax paid by the poorest group to decrease even if there is a nominal rise in their overall taxes, due to trends in income inequality. For example, while I am aware that Bush implemented tax cuts for all income groups, the effect is probably distorted here by soaring income differentials, which would make the higher income groups appear to be paying more as a percentage of their income than they are, and the poorer less. No?