> At 6:35 PM -0700 9/10/08, Ann Buckingham wrote:
> I'm not alone in wanting the government to confiscate a portion of the
>> excessive pay the bankers took and use that money before charging bailout
>> costs to the middle class. Talk me down- I like this discussion group
>> because you're so very skeptical of this kind of simple approach.
> here's the thing, its a red herring. Americans by nature seem to want to
> find someone to blame, someone to punish, rather than address the systematic
> causes. But its a disaster to do that, the problem is systematic, it isn't
> just caused by a few bad apples, its the barrel stupid. ;-)
> Bill Bartlett
> Yes, that's the hard part. Just as the market men (and women) believe in
the purity of the market that is interfered with by witless humans,
Americans, by and large, believe in - or will not question - the essential
excellence of our "system". All would be well except for a few bad guys who
fuck things up. The Cittee on the Hill, and all that balls.