[lbo-talk] luther's revenge

Shane Mage shmage at pipeline.com
Tue Oct 14 12:20:25 PDT 2008

On Oct 14, 2008, at 2:43 PM, shag wrote:
> ...this factoid: Joel Salatin looks 8 interns in the face every
> summer, and who knows how many others, and pays them a substandard
> wage that *he* clearly would not work for. He eats with them, sleeps
> under the same roof, works with them side by side. All that glorious
> community didn't change Saletin's basic beliefs about who deserves a
> good wage and who doesn't....

I don't get it. Interns are *apprentices* learning a trade. Without knowing anything else about the specific case, I do know from shag's account that these apprentices are learning a trade, living cost- free, and receiving a substantial cash-stipend besides. I am also sure that there were precious few apprentices in history who would not envy the working conditions, living conditions, and remuneration of those "eight interns."

Shane Mage
> "This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
> always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
> kindling in measures and going out in measures."
> Herakleitos of Ephesos

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