this is bizarre. The findings of this Oxford study came out in a series of reports last month. The reports emphasized one find, from Oxford, that veganism/vegetarianism also caused blindness. The articles would combine that finding with those of other studies one alchol and brain atrophy, marijuana use and brain atrophy, obesity and brain atrophy.
I was going to forward, with a chuckle, but the only places you could find this stuff was in the sun and rightwing rags, or maybe some piece of crap yahoo piece. A month later it's finally in somewhat more respectable places. Anyway, the rash of rightwing articles a month ago associated brain shrinkage with:
--veganism and vegetarianism (not enough B12 which you can only get from animal products and supplements; study done on 61-87 year olds)
--marijuana use
-- alcohol use
--being obese (with bmi > 27)