Then again, fuck it. Dwayne, if you find that mess defensible, that's your lookout. My quote may be old, but at least it's his words and not "something I could see him saying".
That's disappointing.
I'd hoped these various threads would serve as a diversion from Cash-pocalypse. A useful diversion though, since a debate about competing ways to re-do our food system is needed at all levels.
Ideally, Pollan should have been no more than a pivot point for a broader discussion.
Obviously, you're irritated; you admire Pollan's work and take these criticisms personally. It's one thing to disagree with shag's critique but quite another to hand wavingly declare it to be a "mess". And I'm not 100 percent sure, but I think you called me an "asshole" a few posts back.
So it's clear we've reached the almost inevitable stage of Yet Another Internet Argument.
Which means it's time to call a halt.