Chris Doss asked:
I always thought Cubism was largely based on Bergson? Or was he a bit later?
--- On Wed, 10/29/08, Chuck Grimes <cgrimes at> wrote:
> ``...Professor Miller asserts that both Einstein and
> Picasso were
> influenced by mathematician and philosopher Henri
> Poincare's LA
> SCIENCE ET L'HYPOTHESE. Although the two intellectuals
> never met,
> Miller reasons that the painter and physicist were working
> simultaneously, using different mediums, to solve the same
> problem
> about representing space and time.''
And Dennis Claxton wrote:
I'm sure you've seen Magritte's Time Transfixed: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In explaining Time Transfixed, Magritte said: "I decided to paint the image of a locomotive . . . In order for its mystery to be evoked, another immediately familiar image without mystery ? the image of a dining room fireplace ? was joined." It is in the surprising juxtaposition and scale shift of these common and unrelated images that their mystery and magic arises. The artist transformed the pipe of a coal-burning stove into a charging locomotive, situating the train in a fireplace vent so that it appears to be emerging from a railway tunnel. The tiny engine races out into the stillness of a sparsely furnished dining room, its smoke neatly floating up the chimney, suggesting in turn the smoke of coal in the stove.
******** FYI,
Dali was very much taken with Watson and Crick's discovery of the double helix. e.g.
Mike B)
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