I have seen these "the rich may actually have it worse off than the poor"-type articles every now and then. Most famous recent example might be the Wall Street Journal's "lucky duckies" editorial a few years back, which said the poor were lucky to be poor because having a lot of money was a complicated nightmare. My sympathies!
Dorene, mayhaps we can begin our own charity for these
benighted souls and offer to ease their burden a bit,
establishing some sort of fund so that they can
off-load some of this stress-causing wealth onto us?
It'd be like a charity, in other words. A kind of psycho-therapy for folks who need benzodiazapenes (Valium, et. al. thanks to boutique physicians) because keeping track of their various holdings causes them so much anxiety that they can barely deal.
I'd love to help the rich any way I can in this area. It might be a good, cathartic thing for them to engage in -- just give us your $$$, and therefore you'll have fewer assets, properties, etc., to stress out over. It'd address the problms they face in the WSJ "lucky duckies" article and today's NYT piece. Poor, overly cash-infused guys. Sounds like a living Hell, to me. I'm willing to sacrifice my time to take some of that burden upon my shoulders.
Dorene Cornwell wrote:
"I too would be happy to volunteer my Paypal account for stress relief of those who find the burdens of their wealth unbearable."