> >
> > Fuck da police, as they say.
> Indeed. Left response to police was settled once and for all at
> Haymarket. Not worth discussing.
> Carrol
Ah, come on Carrol..... it's important to _understand _why the cops are
bad bet.
I spent a certain amount of time with cops -- when training to be a state park ranger, many moons ago. If I were recruiting for the revo, they'd be the last I'd approach. They are where they are because they do identify with the class they're meant to serve. If you're in the army, you assume your own country is on your side; if you're in the police, you know that nobody is on your side except other police.
History fans out there can let us know whether there have been any revos where the cops ever came round. If you want the guys with guns, go for the army.