I don't know about that as the whole explanation. The surge among white women toward McCain was part of their strategy, but I don't think it had to do with gender so much as about evangelical christianity. I thought Palin was a big hunk of white meat thrown at the base. Wasn't that shrub's strategy in the past, to wring out every last xtian voter, with the evangelical conservative vote being the main target?
I'm also not sure about that as the whole explanation also because, at least from what I hear among "plug my nose and vote for McCain voters" otherwise, it has to do with what has become a kind of 'tradition' of making sure that one party doesn't dominate both the executive and legislative branches.
Wasn't that one of the points made by Doug's interlocuter in that series he recently did where he faced off against some economist-type in the LA times or SF Chronicle or something? Doug trounced his claim, if I'm remembering correctly.
shag -- http://cleandraws.com Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)