On Tue, 9 Sep 2008, Dwayne Monroe wrote:
> Needless to say, women don't live outside of ideology and are no more
> resistant to manipulation than their brothers, sons, etc.
Sure, of course. But there has been a gender gap since 1980, and it's always been on the right side of the issues. Palin is on the wrong side of all the issues the gender gap is usually right on. This would be like Black people voting for Clarence Thomas for president, which judging by his approval rating, they wouldn't. (And that's not even counting specifically women's issues, in which respect this would be like chicken voting for Colonel Sanders, to quote the infamous JC Watts.)
But again, I hasten to add, if this holds up. This could be all bounce. She's never even given an interview yet. Her whole image is one speech which, in its own diabolical terms, was well-written and well-delivered. There was a huge bounce measured in the other direction after the Dem convention. This could be all froth on a labor day beer.
Which us brings us to the last thing that would make this appalling if true, and perhaps suggests it isn't: historically, choice of VP has made extremely little difference to how people vote.