> the idea is that you are some kind of screw up to have never owned. the
> idea is that you can't be taken seriously because you merely rent. and it
> only got worse as the bubble grew. not only were you a little bit less
> than because you didn't own -- which said something nearly automatically
> about your income level -- you were judged even more for your failure to
> get into the game while the getting was good.
Ah, yes, yes, yes. I regret you not writing that book.
This is a point I've used in discussions with people about the notion that people who got in over their head were irresponsible: the social pressure from all directions to buy has been enormous. Never ever a bad thing if you can get a loan, whatever the terms. A can't-lose move, get in before you can't. And sure, maybe you can run the numbers yourself (if you know how), but then you have to have a self-confidence bordering on arrogance to question any of it.
Yes, it's all about personal responsibility.
-- Andy