I want to argue about the Obama as savior delusion: In America, with just the one president, he ought to be in the center of political thought, not a leftist progressive. Don't we all realize that? Obama is energetic, bright, calm, thoughtful and diplomatic, one of the most talented politician I've ever seen. I don't enjoy watching him use his powers for, as somebody put it, the elite investor class, but he's still much better than he has to be. Americans put in our time with Bush, who was such a disaster he cast chaos throughout the world, but people are turning to the clean, conservative guys in the expensive black suits for safety. Just when we'd hoped they'd finally listen to the scruffy intellectuals. There was a delusion. A bad president is just bad for everybody. I'm voting for Obama.
That said, some congressmen do get to be progressive. DeFazio (from my state) and others want "a good bill, not a fast bill" and have presented an alternate based on the ideas of economists who aren't former CEOs. Of course it won't get anywhere since the investor class is meltdown freaky now. But when somebody says things I believe in congress, this almost feels like a democracy. Swish, slash, says Reed, you're vacuous and off point.