I'll try to explain this more clearly. I object to robbery being included in the category of violent crimes with rape, assault, and murder since it is not a crime committed with intent the harm others as these crimes are. Robberies that include assaults should be included in the category of violent crimes under assaults. Robberies with no physical assault should be categorized as robberies and nothing more.
> You later tried to shift gears and say something about "desire to harm
> others" ... but there's plenty of "violent crime" that doesn't involve
> this "desire" -- negligent homicide, for instance. Surely you aren't
> hoping we'll call that "non-violent" too?
I didn't shift gears, you misunderstood my original point. A drunk driver who killed someone and was found guilty of negligent homicide is not a violent criminal in my opinion. If you wish to label this as violent crime you certainly can but I don't believe that is a defensible position. They are a criminal, just not a violent criminal. The reason being their crime had no desire to harm others. I don't think it is justifiable to put this type of crime in the same category as murder and rape. Why is this a violent crime? If a doctor kills a patient through negligence and is found guilty of negligent homicide is he a violent criminal that needs to be incarcerated to protect the public or an incompetent doctor that needs to be prevented from practicing medicine in order to protect the public? For you negligent homicide (drunk driver) equals "violent crime" equals murderer (angry man killing immigrant students)? That thinking seems daft to me.
> Go make up some more words if you want. Just don't be surprised when
> you fail the bar.
I have no intention of taking the bar so this isn't really a concern for me.
John Thornton