[lbo-talk] Voice of America, voice of reason?

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Sat Apr 11 16:18:46 PDT 2009

John Gulick wrote:
> I'm firing from the hip here, but it seems that every major or middling capitalist state
> and/or its transnational corporate actors have their claws on African biological resources
> nowadays, from cropland to fisheries -- and rather than a new round of inter-imperial
> rivalry breaking out, it sure seems like there is a lot of consensual looting going on. North
> America, the EU, the Gulf States, and East Asia are all eager to squash the pirates.

You give a thumbnail description of what Ellen Wood calls "Empire of Capital." You are roughly correct, but you have to notice that when capital is spread over all those different states, it is necessary to discipline those states (outside the core) who stray in one way or another. Hence while wars of the type of WW1 & WW2 are now unlikely, nevertheless we face endless war.


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