> On Aug 1, 2009, at 2:40 PM, Doug Henwood wrote:
>> I've just been informed (by someone who wants to remain anonymous)
>> that Barbara Epstein resigned from the board of MR because of the
>> nonsense that Yoshie has been posting to MRZine about Iran. When she
>> made her complaints known to the board, they made it clear that they
>> supported Yoshie's work, so Epstein felt that she had no choice but
>> to quit. She's not interested in campaigning against what she still
>> regards as a venerable institution, but she feels that Yoshie's
>> position on Iran has so discredited the organization that she
>> couldn't abide a formal association anymore.
> Who is this Barbara Epstein?
>From UC Santa Cruz, I think.
-- In Solidarity, Billy O'Connor