What I have read -- and Gates, his lawyer, and POTUS have not contradicted -- was that he initially "refused" to provide ID (which is, of course, unlawful right there; and stupid to boot). When he ultimately gave it, he gave his Harvard ID (which is triple-dumb). Eventually the cop was satisfied, I don't know if it's because he got a driver's license or something else that had the address on it.
Mayhem ensued, hilarity resulted.
So JC: when someone breaks into your house, you don't want cops to show up? Can you put some kind of hobo-signal on your house to tell your neighbors that?
Shag has given (convincing) arguments that some people don't want cops in their house for *any* reason; I have to shrug and accept that. I don't think that's the common situation, though ...
That is: for some people, having people break into their house is *preferable* to cops coming in. Ok, I see it. I just don't think it's all that common.
It's certainly not common for a Harvard professor.