I really do not understand why the coup leaders do not agree to the San Jose Accords. After they receive amnesty and Zelaya power is almost completely purged plus he will be replaced within a few months.
This is from Allvoices: http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/3883387-honduras-micheletti-backs-down-agrees-to-accept-oas-delegation
While agreeing to see the OAS delegation Micheletti says that Insulza can only have observer status. Interesting that the coup government feels it can set the terms of the meeting! Micheletti again said just recently that the return of Zelaya is not negotiable. One wonders what purpose the meeting can serve then since that is the whole purpose of negotiations from the first! I expect that there has been a lot of pressure from the US and others for the Honduran coup govt. to come to a negotiated solution along the lines of the Arias accords. After all the coup leaders will have amnesty, the govt. international recognition, and Zelaya will be a lame duck president with reduced powers for a short period of time. It seems that the coup is more interested in saving face, and slapping the U.S. and OAS in the face, than accepting a solution which is in their own interests. Given that the military has accepted an Arias type agreement and that the Liberal party's presidential candidate has disowned the coup it would not be surprising if I am finally right that an agreement will be reached soon. However, so far I have had a tendency to be wrong on the issue!
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