> i keep thinking of durkheim. because what i keep reading is an organicism
> in badiou's thought. it is also depoliticized. singularities happen.
i can only place a marker here (not to be a tease ;-), because i am already going to be late, but this i think is wrong? or maybe i want it to be. i think singularities are precisely made. they require an effort of will. or maybe that is only the event. here is where it hurts not to have yet read B&E, so i just have to ask the question -- is singularity different from event?
>> typical disclaimer: have hardly wrapped my head around 'im but in an
>> effort to forge on, i would like to know if there's a payoff?
i sure hope so. i will try to say more about this later, but i don't know if
i'm far enough along to put together a convincing case.
>> shag
>> oh something something about love and freud and lacan.
the four conditions of philosophy, is where love comes in. another is
politics. and science. and art. those are the four. there is a nice essay on
this that is quick. but i can't recall the title off the top of my head.
more later.
i admit the four still seem arbitrary to me. it has me thinking of heidegger.