>> I have nothing productive to say about this, but somehow the back and
>> forth on this reminds of a really awful joke that made me laugh on
>> Making Light. Maybe it will amuse you if your are in the mood.
>> Heisenberg, Godel, and Chomsky walk into a bar. Heisenberg says "This
>> seems very improbable. I think we are in a joke, but I can't be
>> certain". "Ah", says Godel. "If we were outside the joke we could
>> know. But since we are inside the joke, there is no way to decide
>> whether we are inside a joke or not.". "Of course we are in a joke. "
>> replies Chomsky, "but you are telling it wrong!"
> BTW, this above is a very cool joke. This is an illustration of multiple
> ontologies...that they are all in universe of discourse of a bar, is pretty
> funny too.
i also laughed. very nice.