On Aug 17, 2009, at 11:36 AM, Matt wrote:
> The advantage of a Linux-based operating system is that in addition to
> doing everything with a computer that a person with a Mac or Windows
> can do, I can do things that are only limited by my ability, time, or
> coding skills.
> If all you want to do with a computer are the things Steve Jobs or
> Bill Gates thinks are worthwhile, then stick with the Mac or Windows.
> So it is not so much about *easy* vs. *hard*, but who controls the
> code running on the machine.
If I felt like playing with Unix on this gadget, I could. It's one of the last things I'd like to do. But I could if I felt differently.
But for about 99% of humanity, they just want a machine that's easy to use. For some unspecified, and probably smaller, portion of humanity, they want it to look and feel nice too. So you answered my question - this is mainly for geeks. Fine. To each hir own.