On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 3:03 PM, Anthony Kennerson <anthonyk6319 at>wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 1:00 PM, <lbo-talk-request at> wrote:
>> Re: [lbo-talk] Dean: House won't pass Healthcare without a Public Option
> Quoting Brother of Howard Dean:
> "Let's be clear: A Healthcare bill without a public option is D.O.A. in the
> House. Period.
> To pass any bill in the House they need at least 218 votes but 64 House
> Democrats have stood up and said they will not vote for a bill without a
> public option. That means a bill without a public option would only have 193
> votes."
> No....that means simply that Emanuel and Company only have to flip 19
> "progressive" Democrats in order for them to force the crappy
> Obama/Romney/McCainCare plan of the Senate into law. A few threats to pull
> local pork funding, combined with funding "centrist" opponents to their
> reelection campaigns (like what they did to Cynthia McKinney in '06), should
> do the trick nicely.
> Or...they can just stand on their hands, allow the "progressives" to vote
> their bill down, and unleash the wrath of the media to blame "the Left" for
> the faillure to pass "meaningful health care reform"...and then rush
> themselves to the Right to pass what they really wanted in the first place:
> more bailouts for the insurance industry without the shackles of
> "universality" or "government mandates". As in, force everyone to buy crappy
> health insurance dominanted by the Big Guys, with a nominal "co-op" option
> funded by real cuts in Medicare and Medicaid.
> And of course, even that nominal crumb will be whisked away in the
> inevitable Republican Right revival come 2012, or even 2010, to be replaced
> by the New Reaganism/Palinism.
> Way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, Democrats. AGAIN.
> Anthony