every FOSS booster has *got* to read dreaming in code. what you learn is that the very things FOSS is supposed to address (buggy code, lengthy release cycles, etc.) it isn't any better at doing than the proprietary, closed source approach. (note to miles: i really don't think anything is at all close to socialism when it comes to free software, and i really don't think open source models meet your criteria either.)
Yes, _Dreaming in Code_ is an excellent book.
And yes, FOSS has failed to solve the problems of software development; problems which were also well described by Jaron Lanier several years ago in his essay, "One Half of a Manifesto" --
So, within this house of broken mirrors, this hot mess of a profession, I'd argue that the primary problem of closed source isn't that it produces inferior code -- because yes, a pox on all our houses when it comes to that.
The problem, getting back to the issue of command and control, is the platform closed source creates for initiatives such as the advanced access control system (or more specifically, attempted software implementations such as large parts of WinVista).
But then again, even that's wrong, because there's nothing stopping anyone -- Apple being the shiniest example -- from taking FOSS products and using them to DRM advantage.
No, the problem is that the closed source world has as its core intent the creation of gated communities surrounding data: a non-fungible commodity, susceptible to hostage-taking.